When considering where to invest your money in your home or company, the roof may not be the first thing that comes to mind. It’s understandable since roofs work diligently in the background without attracting much attention.
However, when problems arise, they can quickly become significant and expensive. This is especially true during hurricane season when the stakes are even higher.
If you want to avoid these issues altogether, it’s essential to know which roofing materials are best for hurricane resistance.
Metal roofing: Benefits
While roofing materials may not be glamorous, they are crucial for the safety and structural integrity of your building or home. If you reside in a hurricane-prone area like Louisiana, understanding the materials used in your roof is vital.
Metal roofing is widely regarded as the best choice for hurricane resistance. Most metal roofs come with guarantees and offer protection against winds of up to 140 mph. They provide excellent protection against category 4 hurricanes, which range between 130 and 156 mph.
Why do owners choose metal roofs?
Apart from their hurricane resistance, metal roofs are known for their durability and fire resistance. They can also safeguard your property from other extreme weather conditions like hailstorms …